Jester’s Bedtime Tales (2)

Spoilers for Critical Role Campaigns 1 & 2 —


See Jester go through the physical copy and extra goodies.


Learn about the fan creators behind Jester’s Bedtime Tales.


Check out the behind the scenes process of building the physical copy.

Without the inspiration and enjoyment provided by the cast and crew of Critical Role, none of this would be possible. A huge thanks goes out to each and every one of them!

All of the art, writing, and creative works that are shown on this site are meant as a fan fiction/fanart homage to Critical Role.
All rights belong to Critical Role. 

About the Inspiration

For me, 2020 brought a time of isolation, loneliness, and unexpected unemployment, but it also provided room for creativity and inspiration. Critical Role was a big comfort during that time. After watching Laura Bailey’s Narrative Telephone: Jester’s Tall Tale, I started to wonder “What other tales would Jester have heard growing up?” and the idea for Jester’s Bedtime Tales was born. Jester was a wonderful example of a person using art to spread joy and connect with others and I’m happy to have been a part of this group to do the same. ~Roberta C.

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