The Book

—Spoilers for Campaigns 1 & 2 —

Accessibility Note: The PDF version is not completely accessible for a screen reader. I am still working on getting that put together. For best screen reader access, please use the button below for the text only version. I’m still learning how to use accessibility tools, so I appreciate your patience and understanding. 

Feel free to email with any suggestions, comments, or advice. Thanks!

Roll an Inspection Check

Dig in a bit more to each tale. See the ephemera as it would be tucked into the book. Let us know which story connects with you the most!


One Bright Night

30 Seconds Over Syngorn

The Castle in the Clouds

MyFirstDOTY Transcript

The Tragedy of Delilah the Wise

The Ballad of Artagan

Bluud & Sand

Forever and Never

The Ruby, the Sapphire, and the Coatl



The Video

The Build

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