

Traveler Note

It looks like there is a note from the Traveler! It’s folded up and may even be booby-trapped, but when you get inside, this is what you’ll find: 

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My dear Jester,

Since I would hate to see you missing your mother and the Chateau too much, please enjoy this book of tales from your childhood. 

You may not remember all of these tales, but it only took a minor bend here and reweaving there to pull your old favorites from the chaos of time. (Don’t worry, I left out the one about goblins who steal naughty tiefling children away in the night.) There are even some old trinkets that got swept up in the summoning. And who knows? Maybe seeing the art you charmed from your tutors and your sketches that far surpassed them will remind you of how much you have grown, and of your ability to create and inspire creation?

Either way, know that the world is ripe for your particular spark of joy and chaos. Go forth and befuddle, bedazzle, and bewilder, my dear!

The Traveler

Marion Lavorre Portrait/Headshot

A comforting scent of lavender accompanies this beautiful portrait of Marian Lavorre. She’s peacefully clutching a radiant sapphire necklace on a field of gold. On the back of the portrait is a note “My little Sapphire, you are always next to my heart. Love Maman”. 

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Purple Feathers

Several long, twisting dark purple feathers. Perhaps they came from a feather boa or an obliging Aarakocra?

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Page Features

Open Doorway

The page has a doorway cut into it with in the shape of the Traveler symbol. The archway is golden with gems at the top and a silver base. There are pressed flowers resting around it. 

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Closed Door with Pull Tab

A mysterious glowing door with scrolling golden hinges has appeared in the page. It is closed. Do you dare to pull the golden tab beside it?

As you pull the tab, the door swings open revealing the dark interior of Jester’s room. She and the Traveler are silhouetted against a night’s sky full of stars as he tells her of the wonders of the Exandria. 

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