One Bright Night

Story recorded by bard Tungche Angkham.
Illustrations by artist Shawnna Louise. Instagram: @arts_n_dragons

Illustration: Smiling young Jester in pink and white robes holding her arms out with her mother by window at night.

So when I was little, my mama couldn’t always tuck me into bed because she was always working. I mean, she’s soooo beautiful and soooo talented, so of course everyone wanted to be with her. But it was okay—I don’t want you to think that things were bad because, you know, I was a big girl and it’s not like I needed someone to tuck me in, and besides, the Traveler would come visit and tell me stories, so many fun stories!

Well, anyway, one night, Mama didn’t have any customers. Maybe it was a holiday? Or maybe my birthday! I don’t remember. But I do remember that she came into my room and said to me, “My darling Sapphire, do you want a treat tonight?” 

She was holding a tray with some cupcakes and milk, so I said, “Oh, Mama, of COURSE I want a treat tonight! Thank you so much!” 

Mama looked at the tray and said, “Oh! I mean, yes, THIS treat…but I have another treat for you! Put on your robe and come with me!” And she had a very special smile on her face that I knew was just for me.

So I put on one of my favorite robes—you know, the purple one with gold and pink hearts all over it—and followed her to one of the balconies we had at the Lavish Chateau. And Oh. My. A-Gosh. My mama had set it up with a little rug and cushions and blankets and the cutest table and a candle! 

“Mama!” I cried out. “This is sooooo beautiful!” 

She set the tray on the table and sat down, holding her arm out to me. “Come here, my Jester, and let us spend some time together.” 

So I went to sit next to Mama, and with a cupcake in my hand and my head against her chest, Mama pulled one of the fur blankets around us.

“Look, Jester.” Mama pointed up at the sky. I remember that it was a very clear night, and even though we had a candle, most of the chateau was dark, so we could see all the stars in the sky, and you know, it was like it went on forever. “What does that look like to you?”

I looked up and tilted my head to the side. “Oh, Mama, it looks exactly like a horse with wings, like a Pegasus!”

“You’re such a clever girl. I think so, too!”

“But what about the little stars above and below it? What do you think those are?”

Mama thought for a moment, and said, “You know, my darling, those have to be the Pegasus’ children, right? I think this Pegasus must be a mama and loves her children—just like how I love you, my Jester—so she keeps her children close to her, even when she is flying through the skies. And look—one of the stars is a bright blue, just like you!” 

So Mama and I spent much of that night just looking at the stars, and making up names for them and telling stories about all the things that we could see. There was an owlbear that went into war with the neighboring giants, a group of elves who got lost in a foggy forest, some baby kittens playing tug-of-war with a blanket they found…but mostly I kept thinking of the mama Pegasus, and what it would be like to have brothers and sisters, and how delicious my strawberry cupcake was, and how sweet my mama smelled, and how warm we both were, lying underneath the stars. And you know? I think that had to be one of my favorite nights ever.

Younger Jester’s hand-drawn sketch: Stars with outlined constellation of winged horse.

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