The Ballad of Artagan

Story recorded by bard Michael Davis.
Illustrations by artist Lorène “Kelgrid” Yavo. Instagram: @kelgrid, Twitter: @kelgrid

He came through the gateway
Of the place you know as Tal’Dorei.
For a time, he remained alone
In the mountain city of Whitestone
Until he decided to get away.

He made his way across the Lucidian,
Moving through the waters of obsidian.
Searching for an audience for his foolishness
And trying to tap into his inner happiness,
This is the Ballad of Artagan.

Younger Jester’s hand-drawn sketch: The Traveler with sparkles and hiccup bubbles suggesting heavy intoxication as he stumbles around.

After a cacophonous boat ride with great squally,
He found himself in western Port Damali.
While he loved the facades 
In the Gilded Esplanades,
He felt the vibe was far too melancholy.

Illustration: An epic tapestry that interweaves 4 Pumat Sols offering wares to a hooded figure while waves of water and alcohol crash around them. Artagan overlooks ships in Port Damali next to Artagan downing drink after drink. Above that, a ship sails away from a tree with sunlight shooting out of it in front of a silhouetted castle in the mountains.

Continuing inland as quick as a flash,
He came upon the Tri Spires of Zadash.
Seeking out flora that was greatly fragrant,
He found that and more at the Invulnerable Vagrant.
But unfortunately, the salve left him with a rash.

What’s this? Another verse to obtain
More tales of his travels again.
Running out of real estate,
Perhaps an adventure at the oblate;
This is the Ballad of Artagan.

On he went to the capital of Rexxentrum-
Just a lone man seeking a good dark rum.
So he visited the Grim Shelf Tavern,
Which left him with one reason to return:
For good food, good drink he would succumb.

Younger Jester’s hand-drawn sketch: The Traveler bent over being sick as he finally finds an alcohol that doesn't agree with him. But, of course, he's throwing up sparkles.

He was reeling from rebuke. 
While dizzy, he did puke.
Slipping and sliding he fell
Off the edge of Silberquel,
And that’s how he landed in Hupperdook.

Younger Jester’s hand-drawn sketch: The Ruby of the Sea singing a beautiful song. The Traveler listens in the distance, very impressed with her performance.

He arrived at the port of Nicodranas
Where he heard of a scarlet-skinned songstress.
He took in a show
At the Lavish Chateau,
And found a fan playing tricks on Yussa Errenis.

Illustration: Epic tapestry depicting young Jester sitting wide-eyed as the Traveler spins a tale. He's creating an gorgeous gold and orange scene of interwoven fireworks, waves, and leaves all against a starry night sky.

Though more adventures are sure to write again,
It’s time to kick back with some ice and gin.
Let the mysteries of my curiosities unfurl
As I entertain this little sapphire girl.
This was the Ballad of Artagan.

Younger Jester’s hand-drawn sketch: The Traveler celebrates with three cat-sized unicorns hovering around him.


The Ruby of the Sea Circular

A small circular distributed by the Lavish Chateau. It’s got simple sheet music for “The Ruby of the Sea” (lyrics and music by L.B.W. and arranged for the piano).

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